Grammar: As and Like
Sabemos que en ocasiones os cuesta mucho saber la diferencia entre As y Like, así que os ponemos aquí cuando usar cada uno, con frases de ejemplo.
We use “Like”:
- to mean ‘similar to’ (especially after the verbs be, seem, feel, look, sound, smeel and taste)
He’s eating what looks like a hamburger.
This swimming pool is fantastic – the artificial wavs mean it’s like swimming in the sea.
- to mean ‘for example’
He enjoys all sorts of adventure sports like paragliding windsurfing and canoeing.
We use “As”:
- to say something or someone is that thing or has that function:
He works as a nurse.
She uses email as a way of keeping in touch with friends.
- to mean the same as before a subject + verb or a past participle:
Things happened as I had expected.
- to mean ‘because’:
As tomorrow is a public holiday, I will not be giving you any homework.
- after certain verbs including describe and regard:
The police are describing him as extremely dangerous.
- with adjectives and adverbs to make comparisons:
Mike is not as clever as his sister.
- to mean ‘for example’ in the phrase such as:
I will visit lots of places such as Venice, Rome and Florence.
- with the same… as:
You’re wearing the same color shirt as me.
- in the phrases as far as I know, as far as I’m concerned, as far as I can see/ tell…
Fuente: Complete First.
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