Ahora que vienen unos días festivos, de vacaciones o desconexión, en los que sacaremos tiempo para nosotros, os traemos vocabulario de nivel C1, con expresiones sobre el tiempo.
En esta entrega de C1 vocabulary, nos detenemos en conceptos y frases hechas sobre el tiempo libre, las aficiones, los pasatiempos y todo lo relacionado con nuestras formas de pasar el tiempo.
Unit Vocabulary | Word Patterns |
Spend/take/pass (time) Waste (time) Kill (time) Use (time) Time (v, n) Schedule (v, n) Shift/turn (n, v) Clock/watch (n, v) Fortnight Sunrise Sunset Noon Midnight Punctual (adj) Premature (adj) Hate/loathe/detest/despise Can´t stand Win/lose/draw Beat Score Like/love/enjoy Relax/rest Do/play (sport) Arrange/plan Arrive at/get to/reach Stay Start/begin Garden (v, n) Do DIY Pub/bar/club/concert/festival | Be keen on, Be fond of, Be a fan of, Be big on Be good/bad at Be interested in Be crazy/mad about Be eager (infinitive) Compete against Concentrate on Involve in Listen to Participate in Join in Go for a walk Can´t help (ing) – avoid Do (general activities) – do sport, do nothing Go + (ing) Be on time Take advantage of According to Confuse with Believe in Comment on Depend on Surprise by Persuade of Share with Work on Point in (ing) Describe as Be similar to Be good at |
Phrasal verbs | Word formation |
Clock in – record when people start work Clock out – record when people finish work Crop up – occur suddenly Fit in – find time to do sth Get into – start liking Get together – meet to spend time together Go off – stop liking Hang out – spend time with sb Keep on – continue Knock off – stop doing sth Lay out – plan sth Lie ahead – what will occur Mess about – waste time doing sth Press on – continue working Pick up – start to learn Run out (of) – not have any left/remaining Take off – spend time away from work Tide over – provide what is needed for s short time | Win – winning, winner Lose – lost, losing, loss Arrive – arrival Arrange – arrangement Begin – beginning Involve – involvement Join – joint Garden – gardening Concentrate – concentration Compete – competition Eager – eagerly, eagerness Interest – interested, interesting Waste – wasteful Spend – expensive, spending Clock – clockwise, anti-clockwise Press – pressure Time – timeless Similar – similarity Describe – description, descriptive Persuade – persuasion Confuse – confusion Believe – belief Depend – dependence Mess – messy Time – timely, timing |
Fixed phrases | Idioms |
As well as As long as I´d rather + verb (do) Regret (not) + ing Be worth + ing A part of As soon as By the time On/at the point of Take ages Take by surprise From time to time A matter of time At this point/At a time During which No longer | Be at a loose end – TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO Let off steam – TO UNWIND Put your feet up – TO RELAX A couch potato – TO BE LAZY Take five – TO TAKE A BREAK Recharge your batteries – TO RECOVER Surf the net – USE THE INTERNET Variety is the spice of life – WHAT MAKES LIFE MORE ENJOYABLE Be on the ball – TO BE ON FIRE Jump the gun – TO JUMP AHEAD (precipitarse) Around the corner – TO BE VERY SOON In a flash – TO DO SOMETHING FAST In the nick of time – TO BE JUST IN TIME Lose track of time – TO NOT KNOW THE TIME Before your time – TO BE TOO SOON When pigs fly – TO RULE SOMETHING OUT/NEVER For good – PERMANENTLY Once in a blue moon – TO DO SOMETHING RARELY On the spur of the moment – SUDDENLY |
Ejemplos de expresiones con ‘time’
I keep practising a lot and I’m improving all the time.
Sigo practicando mucho y estoy mejorando todo el tiempo.
Children must be supervised at all times while in the park.
Los niños deben ser vigilados en todo momento mientras están en el parque.
You can call me at any time.
Puedes llamarme en cualquier momento.
At no time was the company informed.
En ningún momento informaron a la empresa.
At one time Tina wanted to be a nurse, but then she abandoned the idea.
En un tiempo Tina quería ser enfermera, pero luego abandonó la idea.
Karen and I went to live in London at the same time.
Karen y yo fuimos a vivir a Londres al mismo tiempo.
Karen was working for the competition at the time.
Karen trabajaba para la competencia en ese entonces.
I just want to quit my job at times.
Me dan ganas de renunciar al trabajo a veces.
Our equipment is a bit behind the times.
Nuestro equipamiento es un poco anticuado.
The train left twenty minutes behind time.
El tren partió veinte minutos tarde.
For the time being, the kid is living with his aunt in Stratford.
De momento, el niño está viviendo con su tía en Stratford.
We go to the theatre from time to time.
Vamos al teatro de vez en cuando.
We’ll be there in no time.
Estaremos allí enseguida.
Will you be able to finish your homework in time?
¿Podrás terminar tus deberes a tiempo?
Maria was tapping her feet in time to the music.
Maria golpeaba sus pies al compás de la música.
Many a time I have longed to be a bird, free to fly everywhere.
A menudo anhelo ser un ave, libre para volar a cualquier parte.
Jerry was worried about whether he’d be able to get there on time.
Jerry estaba preocupado por si podría llegar allí puntualmente.
As the shop was small, customers came in one at a time.
Como la tienda era pequeña, los clientes entraban de a uno por vez.
The police were catching the same thieves stealing time after time.
La policía atrapaba a los mismos ladrones robando una y otra vez.
The company decided to do a time and motion study to find out how efficient employees are.
La empresa decidió hacer un estudio de productividad para averiguar cuán eficientes son los empleados.
Cutting down the rainforest may be a time bomb for the environment.
Talar los bosques podría ser una bomba de tiempo para el medio ambiente.
The time limit for the application is two weeks.
El tiempo límite para la postulación es dos semanas.
Sarah took some time off to visit France.
Sarah se tomó vacaciones para visitar Francia.
It’s good to take a time out from work and go out with friends.
Es bueno tomarse un descanso del trabajo y salir con amigos.
Time’s up! You must hand in your papers now.
¡Se acabó el tiempo! Deben entregar sus exámenes ahora.
In the film there was a time warp and they all appeared in 1955.
En la película había un salto en el tiempo y todos aparecían en 1955.
In the east of the country they have a different time zone.
En el este del país tienen un huso horario diferente.
It’s about time you returned my book!
¡Ya era hora que me devolvieras el libro!
Once upon a time, there lived an orphan girl with her wicked stepmother.
Había una vez una niña huérfana que vivía con su malvada madrastra.
The orchestra conductor was beating the time with his baton.
El director de la orquesta marcaba el compás con su batuta.
Newton’s idea was way ahead of its time.
La idea de Newton estaba adelantada a su época.
They really gave me a hard time at the job interview.
Realmente me la hicieron difícil en la entrevista laboral.
Whenever she goes out with her friends, Sarah has a good time.
Siempre que sale con sus amigos, Sarah la pasa bien.
Tom has no time for people who talk too much.
Tom no soporta a la gente que habla demasiado.
If the resorts want to keep attracting visitors, they need to move with the times.
Si los centros turísticos quieren seguir atrayendo a los visitantes, necesitan estar actualizados.
Lucy took her time cutting my hair but she did it very well.
Lucy se tomó su tiempo para cortarme el pelo pero lo hizo muy bien.
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