GET is the most commonly used verb in the English language. Native English speakers frequently employ get phrases instead of more formal terms in everyday interactions. So, the more you incorporate phrases into your speech and writing while learning English, the sooner you’ll sound like a native speaker.
The following is a list of adjectives containing “get” that describe types of change and will certainly take you a long way toward improving your English.
- GET ANXIOUS → become worried = inquietarse
- GET ANNOYED → become irritated = enojarse
- GET ANGRY → lose temper = enfadarse
- GET HURT → be injured; be in pain = lastimarse
- GET BORED → lose interest = aburrirse
- GET TIRED → become fatigued = cansarse
- GET MAD → become angry = ponerse furioso
- GET CONFUSED → puzzled = confundirse
- GET CONFUSED WITH → fail to distinguish = confundir a alguien con
- GET EXCITED → become very happy = entusiasmarse
- GET EMOTIONAL → react with strong feelings = emocionarse
- GET OLD → grow elderly = envejecer
- GET FAT → put on weight = engordar
- GET FIT → exercise to stay in shape = ponerse en forma
- GET DRESSED → put clothes on = vestirse
- GET NAKED → to take all your clothes off = desnudarse
- GET DARK → lose light after sunset = oscurecer
- GET DIRTY → become soiled = ensuciarse
- GET WET → become soaked = mojarse
- GET SICK → fall ill = enfermarse
- GET DIZZY → feeling vertiginous = marearse
- GET DRUNK → drink until intoxicated = emborracharse
- GET WORSE → deteriorate = empeorar
- GET BETTER → recover, improve = mejorarse
- GET WELL → recover from illness = recuperarse
- GET WARM → warm up = calentarse
- GET MARRIED → become sb’s husband or wife = casarse
- GET ENGAGED → be involved, immersed = implicarse
- GET ENGAGED → promise to get married = comprometerse
- GET RICH → become wealthy = hacerse rico
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